Thursday, October 06, 2005

[Happy Birthday Matt!!!]

Yea...been a nice bdae so far. And I got birthday presents. Hahaz..so long never blog already. Lazy la...blogging is a chore...hahaz. Only when got nothing to do den will come de. Hahaz...it is not my avenue of destressing, it is only an avenue to air my views now. Peng san...hahaz...supposed to study now budden lazy la. Just now watching TV...can't seem to get off the box now. Watching One Tree Hill and Judging Amy, ok seems quite dumb but I think the story contains alot of interesting facts about life. yeaz...but it is a type of family show. So some people might consider it boringz...snorez..zZZZ

Hahaz...hmmm, it has been a wonderful bdae! Whee...i got a Polaroid camera from Chin Meng, a Pen from Kian Hwee, A Shirt from NWO given by Xavier, Jemima, Qi Xiang, Shi Min, Si Yao. Yeaz...and last but not least a leather wallet by Ching Hui. Hahaz..good harvest...ok la...although this year receive lesser, budden it is the thot thot thot that counts yea! hahaz...and I also know who remembers my bdae...hahaz, i nv bhb this year go ask around tt much! muahahaz!!!

Hmmm....so far wad is happening now? Yeaz...i am attending Cornerstone Church now...and my prelims got good results thanks to God. Ok...maybe good isn't that good to you all, budden it is good enough for me already but i still have to work harder for my 'O's if not i am gonna end up somewhere else. I aiming for VJC, budden also must see la..perhaps there is not where I wanna go.

Things fly, soon i will be graduating out of AHS. So sad...hahaz...alot of things to hold onto in Anglican high school....it is a great school. Though the students always complain about the principals we have...without fail. Alot of things in AHS are worthy of thinking back of...hmmm...end of year coming again. And it is the time of the season when st john training will start again. hahaz...i have promised James to come back and train their team. But dun think i will be of much help also hahaz...i will try my best...whee. Hahaz...wei xuan also coming back...yea! Whee...WATCH OUT!!! lalaz...peng san

Things that i realise as i go along..even though i am not old. The hardest thing to keep and maintain is a frenship.

Drifting...plankwood...sea...away...friends - Annonymous

Thankz Chin Meng for the Polaroid and ur frenship! Yeaz...hahaz. Thankz ming jun for talking to me, hui min,xavier, jem,...bla bla bla. And my LAO PO for being by my side[like real!!!] throughout all this year....hahaz. LAO PO better wake up!!! hahaz...stop sleeping.

I'm Running After You
All Consuming Fire!
Let me be a man like David,
A man after Your own Heart.
Burn in me the Passion for Your Name!
Signing off...PENG SAN!!! hahaz...Titus is cute.

Wrote On|10:06 PM|


NiNjA pRoFiLE__________

NiNJa NaMe:LoNg JiWei mAttHew
NiNjA FiRsT SwoRd PuLL:06/10/89
NiNjA PuGiLiStiC Name:Moki89, FaT^MaTT, mErLin
NiNjA TrAiNiNg AcAdeMy:AnGliCan HiGh ScHooL, WooO!!!
NinjA CoNtaCt:DuN boThEr, i cAn TeLepoRt

NiNja's Ally________

Food:ChiCken RiCe, BeeF SteAK
Drinks:iCe LeMon TeA
Pastimes:CoMiCs, MoVieS, BoWLiNg
People:GoD!, ChIn MenG, KiaN hwEE, sHi MiN, qi XiaNg, XaViEr...blah list goes on

NiNja's EnEmiEs_________

Things:HoMewoRk, sTudiEs

NiNja's aNthEm_____

Song:In The Secret

My Past Adventures___

November 2004

December 2004

January 2005

February 2005

March 2005

April 2005

May 2005

June 2005

July 2005

October 2005

December 2005

January 2006

May 2006

March 2007

September 2007

January 2008

The Chats______

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