Friday, March 11, 2005

[Island of HopEz]

Friday, 11th March 2005, 10:58pm in the night. News came, the little island i sought for was crushed upon by a mini tsunami wave that made the island crumble. Pieces of the island are now floating away from me. The beatiful picture painted of that island in my mind is now shattered into millions of pieces. All slowly etching away from my memory...

what am i to do? I tried recollecting this pieces, but it just keeps getting further and further~. I held on to a string. A single thread, a thread that I had hoped would bring me to this island. But nevertheless, the thread failed me. I had barely reached the Island called hope when the thread i held on snapped. It was not because the thread was not thick enough, it is because, the thread was of low calibre.

Time flies, people change. The only remnants left on the island are but a few. This are those that still hold on to the Island of Hope. Those who stand by firmly on the soil of 'Hope Island', this are the people who trust in it, to bring it hope. Devastation though great, cannot make a man with hope fall. These men will rise up to the occasion and stand firm and bring forth the works of the Nation's Island. It will bring hope back into the eyes of those who have lost it, reinstate the people. Empower people and hold unto the unwavering Rays of hope. Which is always there for those who need it. Continue to hold on to the torch, for it contains the passion of the Island. No matter what perils and dangers faces this Burning Blinding Ray of Hope, nothing will be able to douse it. For there will always be those who stand firm and come to the aid of the Rays of Hope in faith, loyalty, passion and love.

The Island of hope will continue to Go On...no matter what the Disasters are, we will look forth to the days ahead~!

Wrote On|10:58 PM|



Wednesday, March 09, 2005

[New Chat bOx]

Grrr...dunnoz how to use. Hahaz...i am so dumb. Forgot about the html that i once studied. hahaz...nevermind. So exciting, council is going pulau ubin part of an excursion of our Council 'Family' Day. hahaz...we are going there to do something exciting sia. hahaz...then coming back singapore to stay overnight. It will definitely be fun! muahaha...will keep u all updated. Going to recce the place withe SMEXCOs on this coming Saturday. Hahaz...will tell u what happen on the actual day de k ? hahaz...=]

Wrote On|10:20 PM|



Tuesday, March 01, 2005

[AGinG mE...]

Wrote On|10:55 PM|


NiNjA pRoFiLE__________

NiNJa NaMe:LoNg JiWei mAttHew
NiNjA FiRsT SwoRd PuLL:06/10/89
NiNjA PuGiLiStiC Name:Moki89, FaT^MaTT, mErLin
NiNjA TrAiNiNg AcAdeMy:AnGliCan HiGh ScHooL, WooO!!!
NinjA CoNtaCt:DuN boThEr, i cAn TeLepoRt

NiNja's Ally________

Food:ChiCken RiCe, BeeF SteAK
Drinks:iCe LeMon TeA
Pastimes:CoMiCs, MoVieS, BoWLiNg
People:GoD!, ChIn MenG, KiaN hwEE, sHi MiN, qi XiaNg, XaViEr...blah list goes on

NiNja's EnEmiEs_________

Things:HoMewoRk, sTudiEs

NiNja's aNthEm_____

Song:In The Secret

My Past Adventures___

November 2004

December 2004

January 2005

February 2005

March 2005

April 2005

May 2005

June 2005

July 2005

October 2005

December 2005

January 2006

May 2006

March 2007

September 2007

January 2008

The Chats______

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